for now mom's surgery (double knee replacement) has been cancelled. I'm not sure why they cancelled for now but I do know that she'll be taking a stress test Thursday and they'll decide after that where to go. She's very disappointed.
I worked another 1/2 day today, it was a really nice afternoon. Except for one little glitch, seems one of my kiddos got upset on the playground and said.... umm... well he took the Lord's name in vein (4th grade). I asked him if his mom knew he talked like that & he said she did (sadly enough that's probably true) .
Twenty write offs, -5 minute recess time for tomorrow (yeah I leave notes for teachers) & no candy from Miss Sheila's bag today.
Do you think he'll do that again when I'm in there ???
Other than that it was a pretty good day! :o)
The class I have tomorrow will probably wear me out, I dread this class & I know the only reason I have it is that the full time sub told them to find someone else to do it. This teacher has NO control what so ever, you know they are in the hall without ever looking out the door. They make that much noise, well unless the very mean Miss Sheila is in there, lol, then you don't even know the sweet angels are around. :o)
Sweet Tiny Butterfly | CSI Case File No. 432
10 months ago
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