well all my guys are gone...
Jim is at Steve's cabin hunting ( don't know if he'll be home tonight or tomorrow) ,
Devan & Zach are gone to drama meetings (techie & wrap up crew) today, they'll probably be out till about 2 am.
Sooo it's just me today, trying to play catch up.
Yesterday we did get the main tree up before I was abandoned (Jim left for Steve's & Zach came over), but there is still much to do...
The small tree in the kitchen, the silver tree in the dining room (they didn't even get the ornaments out for this tree) & putting the nutcrackers out EVERYwhere! I also wanted to
hang the ornaments in the bay window this year, hmmm don't remember those being brought in yesterday.
So that's the decorating part (I'm down sizing this year), I still have laundry, cleaning, the quilt (I am sooo determined with this), editing, converting, & uploading pics! Whew!
So much to do, One person to do it...
I am not the busy bee worker type who enjoys doing lots of things by herself so how do I handle a day like today???
One small job at a time, rotating through the jobs till one by one they get completed & knocked off the list.
That means I'll edit a few pics, then prep a row of the quilt, pick an area to work on the nutcrackers, do a few decorations, & so on & so on.
Is this the Most efficient way to tackel my day???
Probably not, but at least it will stay interesting since I'm having to tackel it all on my own & I won't feel guilty working in a little rotation on the laptop doing a little "catching up".
Wish me luck on getting lots done today & I hope you have a Wonderful Saturday! :o)
Sweet Tiny Butterfly | CSI Case File No. 432
10 months ago