When we got home on Thanksgiving I set to "staining" Devan's hair for the play that starts tonight (Thursday). I didn't really want him to have Black hair in the Christmas pics so I decided to go with a temporary stain.
So this is just before we begin...
the first application of the stain & I have to tell you it smells like ...
Grape Kool-Aid!!! You know the little packets from when we were kids that you had to add your own sugar to. It's really wierd how strong it is & it last a couple of days, lol.
getting a little deeper into the process ...
finally done! I have to tell you that the next morning when I went to get him up I kinda Freaked Out! lol. Only thing about this stain is ...
it was Supposed to last for 3-4 weeks (that's why we did it on Thanksgiving-trying to give it time to fade before Christmas celebrations) , but ...
well it Imediately started fading. A little on Friday, a little more on Saturday, & then ...
a Whole Lot More on Sunday! It was actually quite noticable in the sunlight. Oh & did I mention that on Sunday Green streaks had become visible??? LMBO! Yep! He was afraid that he would get in trouble at school for having green hair- I told him that if Someone had a problem with his hair that they needed to call Chris is the drama dept. it was Her idea to have us color his hair.
By Monday it was even More blond. I t kind of upset him cause his character is supposed to have jet Black hair.
We had about 1/2 a bottle of the stain left so I made arrangements to get him checked out about 10 minutes early yesterday & to drop my kids off with the class next to mine about 10 minutes early yesterday so I could rush home, restain his hair, & send him back to the school by 5 (with dinner) in time for the last dress rehearsal! And I made it !!! whew! :o)
This week has been like that All week. I had a 4th grade class on M,T,W - they thought the teacher had chicken-pox. (this is pretty much the class from he... well you get the idea) Tuesday after dealing with them all day I was up at the school providing back stage food, then ran to the project graduation meeting (ugh, just about as usuless as usual) , then back to rehersal to photograph their first dress rehearsal. (you know they only have one more play after this one so I'm even More sentimental than usual) Once that was over I discovered that I Had to get gas Before coming home so it was almost 10 before I got home. Then I had to wait up for Dev to get home long story short I didn't get to bed till 11:30! Up at 5:20 & bed at 11:30 I am too Old for this crap!
So yesterday they cancelled today on me & I did a little happy dance I have to admit (I was More tired than you can imagine), so today I was playing catch (had just started writing this blog) & decided to go get in the tub & noticed the answering machine flashing. My heart sank & I played it...
it was Mrs. Newbill our principal, she had called at 6:11 this am & No one had heard the phone! I felt horrible & called the school to make sure they had covered the library (that's where they had wanted me) & to appolagize for not hearing the phone & Liz immediatley asked if I would do ISS (in school suspension) tomorrow, ugh - I hate it but it's hard not to do it for Jennie & I need the money to help pay for Dev's trip. The bad thing is I already know that I will be starting the day with 7 kids! The good thing is I get to bring a book so I can do some serious reading (I broke down & bought Twilight!). Then she asked if I would come in today, they had a teacher sick & "she has a student teacher so you don't have to do anything" . Oh yeah, joy! Have I ever told you that I HATE being with a student teacher!!! I am too much of a control freak! I can't handle it when they let the kids walk all over them! Then she tells me it's on the 5th grade hall!!! Ummm... I don't DO 5th grade! and she knows this sooo she must be pretty desperate & I have begged for all the work I can get sooo ...
Yes, I went in. But you know it wasn't as bad as usual, she's kinda strict like me so I wasn't ripping my hair out, lol.
So I have run all day & now it's time for me to head out to the opening night performance of "Hard Luck".
Thought I would share a few of the pics I took at the dress rehersal ...
this is Jeffrey Dycus, he plays this nerdy guy & he's putting the moves on Sanibell -Dev's secretary who's in love with Dev
Dev as Graven Slade - a sleazy con-artist & Sanibell Wilson as Lotta
Pretty much the entire cast, I happened to be there when they were posing for the reporter from the paper! :o)
Well folks gotta run or I won't get there in time for the Best seats in the house (cause I Need more pics ya know, lol). I'll try to check in again soon.
See Ya :o)
We just got back from the play & everyone there seemed to have really enjoyed it! I really was a wimp of a mom of a senior, I wasn't able to say anything to anyone 'cause I was afraid that I would start bawling... I guess we haven't seen the last of the senior year "mommy melt downs" yet. lol. He really did a good job tonight & I couldn't be more proud!!! :o)
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