Last night the choir concert was held at the High School & being that Devan is in choir this year we were there, along with HALF of the town! No kidding I could not believe how Crowded it was! I pulled into the parking lot at 7 thinking that I was plenty early enough
( concert was to begin at 7:30) only to find that I had to park ALL the way in the BACK!!!
I was sure that there Must be a basketball game going on till I entered the theatre! OMG!
You would Not believe the amount of people!
Turns out they were doing ALL the choirs!
Yep! You heard right ALL 6th-12th!
So I guess pretty much EVERY parent in town was there! LOL!
The advanced choir (Devan's) was the last to perform on their own ...
truth is we didn't even Recognize HIM! Do you? It honestly took me a few minutes to find him, still not used to the dark hair (will be glad when it's gone). He's on the back row - last guy on the right! Yep, that HIM! Right now his hair is about the color Jim's was when we were dating, lol.
(They've had a LOT of fun with it at school, they check it daily to see what colors are showing through. Someone told him yesterday that it had some pink- I personally didn't see it but it could be, lol.)
When Devan's choir had finished singing they brought ALL the choirs Back in for a couple of songs.
They didn't put the kids on the stage (not sure why, it sure would have been a lot cooler in there if they had) they placed them ALL around the room about 3-4 deep! You literally felt the temperature in the room increase as they came in & took their position!
Mr. Patterson & Mr. Coffman were stationed in the isles - directing.
It really was quite nice being surrounded by the music that way. :o)
They had made a announcement before the concert started that they wanted ALL choirs to stay after the performance for a group photo ...
can you guess where my mind was going ??? lol
At the end of the performance my mind went into over-drive & my light bulb went off, lol.
The BEST place to get that photo would be ...
up on the CAT-WALK!!! ;-)
Jim was like "I bet it's locked" , when it became apparent that I was going to try it he told me to be careful & not break my neck on the staircase & promptly left (some night in shinning armor, what's up with that ? he could have been my "partner in crime"!).
As soon as I could get through the crowd I went to the door in the hall & tried the door & ...
I SCORED! It was unlocked! Wahoo!
Sooo I climbed the spiral staircase (first time I've been up there) & while I was going up I was thinking things through ...
*be sure you turn off the flash- if they see the flash they'll know you're up there, make sure you're positioned where they can't see you*
(I was sure that they would be upset with Me helping myself to the cat-walk.)
Once I got up there I was trying to find my position & Mr. Coffman was talking to the kids
"Who said their mom could do this? Someone said their mom had a big camera & could do this who was it?".
I'm standing there frozen thinking *did Devan say I would do this? he would think that my camera is big- he wouldn't know the difference*.
THEN Mr. Coffman starts asking "Do we have Someone up on the cat-walk who can do this for us? Is there Anyone up there for us?".
Now my mind is going *are you kidding me? they want someone up here & they don't sound like they care who, guess it's time to come clean* .
Sooo ... that's when I stepped foward & waved to let them know that I was up there, lol.
At that point I became THE photographer! :o)
I hope they weren't expecting too much. I'm still very much a newbie, still keep it on auto, & I've never been on a cat-walk & have NO idea about what kind of settings you would use for that (some day I really have to make time to "study" more about the camera & setting but I honestly just haven't had the time). But honestly it's not like they had approached someone personally ahead of time & set this up so I guess they get what they get, the shot is definately not perfect but I had to deal with the lights & like I said not sure about settings & I was sooo Nervous when they knew I was up there & now they seem to be relying on ME for the shot!!!
Anyway here is my fave. Not sure what the deal with the "ghost/glare" of the light at the corners is??? I guess maybe something to do with the lights right beside me?? Not sure but they have several to choose from, maybe they'll like one of them. ;-)
p.s. things have been sooo busy crazy around here between work (this is the first day off I've had in a week and a half & I'm scheduled for tomorrow) the play (has completely controlled our life for a week & a half) and now the concert. I am spending the day nice & warm in my flannel pajamas! :o)
Going to get as much done a possible ... or maybe not, lol, just depends.
At any rate I plan on thoroughly enjoying my FIRST pajama day in ELEVEN days !!! ;-)
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