I know you have been sitting on the edge of your seats waiting for the rest of my apple pics that I promised. I'm sorry they weren't here yesterday ( it was one busy day) , but here they are now...
66 lbs. of apples will get you 20 quarts of apple pie filling, 6 pints & 10 quarts spiced applesauce :o) ...
the laundry room has a set of shelves over the washer & dryer that are just perfect for storing your canning. Look how they fill the shelf, isn't it pretty!
You know I haven't canned a lot after moving out here. You would think that moving to the county I would have done it more but it turned out to be the opposite.
I'm so glad we were blessed with this little "harvest", there really is something very comforting about canning your own food.
Yes it's a long process but there is something that makes my heart happy when I hear that "pop" that each jar does when you take them out of their "bath" that lets you know they have sealed.
I just have to smile at all our jars lined up waiting to be used, just think about it -I have 20 apple pies just waiting to be made at a moments notice :o) , all you need is a pie crust & a little spice and you are in business!
One of the many things on my list yesterday was to attend our first project graduation meeting (we missed last month because I was out of town) . Project Graduation is a big "lock in" party the night of graduation for the kids, it keeps them from driving around drinking (all the things we were doing at that age). I was a very smart girl & drug Jim along for the pleasure, hehe.
Let me just say " OMG!!!" , I now remember ALL too well why I quit going to this cra... umm stuff when Devan got to high school.
They have an "excutive committee" with 15 people on it! Are you kidding me, can you say over-kill ??? I took one look at that table & wanted to bolt! Half of the people at that table are sooo power hungry that I'm surprised they are able to get anything done. There was a lot of eye rolling & groaning going on at our table ( & not just from me - everyone at the table participated in this). We couldn't wait for this meeting to be over. After the meeting we talked to some of the parents who have had seniors before & they said this is all a big joke, yeah! Thanks so much self appointed power hungry people!
I don't know why they even bother with a "public" meeting, they made it very clear that they hold a "private" little meeting each month before the "public" meeting & that THEY vote on everything, then they are NICE enough to tell us at the "public" meeting what THEY have decided to do! In other words we have NO say what-so-ever.
I hope they don't turn what has been a fabulous last night together with friends into a joke because of their issues & make it more about what they want instead of what the kids want.
The "chairman" spent 5 minutes about the beginning of the meeting telling the seniors who were there "there are only 9 months of your sr. year & one month is officially gone, gone. You can't go back & get it back..." she went on and on. Maybe she meant well but it doesn't matter how much you say this you are NOT going to pound this into their heads, geesh. ( I personally think she is inserting a lot of her own feelings here, I worked with her when I first moved here & let me tell you she was a piece of work then. Apparently things haven't changed much for her, she has always wanted to be "someone" in this little town. I guess after not being accepted in the "Big" social clubs here she finally found a way to "be someone", Lord help us all! )
...enough ranting for today, have a good one :o)
Sweet Tiny Butterfly | CSI Case File No. 432
9 months ago
OMG I am SOOOO on my way over. There is NOTHING Better than canned fresh apples of ANY KIND!! i love going to the apple orchards in the fall, although, I'm not as good a home maker as you -- we just eat ours, and I make fried apples with cinnamon, and apple pies. Lets just say they don't last long around here!!!
Oh, and you mentioned that you wanted to see my scraproom. there are pics here http://www.twopeasinabucket.com/pg.asp?cmd=display&layout_id=1382950
in my 2 peas gallery!
It's not much, but it's mine!! =)
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