Do you see this phone??? It's the phone that Dev & I have.
Some of the kids say it's crap, I say it's the best phone ever! :o)
(of course I'm knocking on wood while I type this, lol)
When Devan got to Panama City last month it mysteriously stopped working (it would ring but he couldn't hear anything & you couldn't hear him) except for the text, he was still able to send & receive text (really strange this is exactly what happened to the last phone).
I immediately started checking ebay to replace it (we are NOT up for renewal for another year).
The Monday after they returned I had Dev gather laundry for me. On Tuesday morning I was taking clothes out of the washer & a pair of his shorts seemed very heavy... (remember he's the one that had gathered the laundry??? that means he had already picked these up) so I looked in the pocket ( I do NOT empty pockets that is YOUR job not mine).
Can you guess what I found???
Yep! You guessed it... his PHONE!!!
As those of you who know me know I was furious!
I'm sure you could see steam coming out of my head!
To be that irresponsible is unacceptable! :o(
I took the phone into the kitchen & opened the back, removed the battery & propped ALL the parts up to dry.
When he got up you can imagine it wasn't a pretty sight and he was told that I wouldn't pay 1 penny towards replacing his phone he would live without a phone till he found one & paid for it.
Well around 2 that afternoon out of curiosity I tried putting the battery in... it started popping & sizzeling and trying to fire up??? I was afraid it would short out so I quickly removed the battery and left things open for a few more hours.
Around 5 I put everything back together & it seemed to fire up!?!
So I plugged it in to charge & when it was done charging I had Jim take it across to the other side of the house & I called it.
Ya know what ... it WORKED!!!
Can you believe that?!?
I know people who have dropped their phone in water for less than a minute and it never works again, this phone went through an entire wash cycle & now it's fixed?!?
Wow, he was one lucky kid! :o)
(he must have had someone watching over him)
Sweet Tiny Butterfly | CSI Case File No. 432
9 months ago
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